To wait is to trust time
to do what it must.
To wait is to believe in tomorrow,
in its inevitability.
We wait, for the love of today,
we wait for better things,
for the upswing,
for the break.
Waiting numbs sometimes,
ice on a bruise.
The trick is to know when to wait,
and when to strike.
The trick is to know
that to wait is to act.
The trick is to decide
that to wait is to place value
in a thing, that time
is effort put in.
Waiting can wear you out,
can put your patience
in its pocket.
To wait is to pull out your hair.
Do not bargain with time,
it has a strange and scathing
sense of humor.
Trust it instead,
it minds its business,
as long as you do.
To wait is to accept the future
as a truth, as a gospel.
Know that time will do
what it always has done,
know that the end
of the waiting will come.