Moonflower and Morning Glory

A Poem

1 min readMay 26, 2021
Photo by Jerry Wang on Unsplash

Moonflower and Morning Glory,
together and perennial.
Never seen each other
open, beautiful,
but believe the other must be.
Infinity nights,
frostbite in the early light.
Related just by proximity,
by prolonged exposure.
They affect each other
without even having met.
Maybe just existing near a thing
can change the time and space of you.
We all grow toward the sun,
even if we only come alive in the night,
under some other star or party lights,
together and ephemeral.
Just once in a dewey dawn
they will meet and find
they already know each other
in strange ways.
Who are they,
these strangers we pretend to know?
And how much of someone
can be unknown
when we all reach out
from the same wet dirt
on the same doomed earth?
Moonflower and Morning Glory,
same space and different time,
strange, but they aren’t strangers anymore.




Written by Meg.

I’m 27, have no money and no prospects, am already a burden to my parents, etc, etc.

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